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How highUnto the Saints" slow diligenceThe Sky
Ungained- it may be
by a Life's low VentureBut then Eternity enables the endeavoring Again.
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686 They say that "Time assuages"
Time never did assuageAn actual suffering strengthens
As Sinews do, with age
Time is a Test of Trouble,
But not a RemedyIf such it prove, it prove too
There was no Malady
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712 Because I could not stop for DeathHe kindly stopped for meThe Carriage held but just OurselvesAnd Immortality.
We slowly drove - He knew no haste And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For His Civility
We passed the School where Children strove At Recess - in the RingWe passed the Fields of Gazing Grain We passed the Setting Sun
Or rather -- He passed UsThe Dews drew quivering and chillFor only Gossamer, my GownMy Tippet -- only Tulle
We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the GroundThe Roof was scarcely visibleThe Cornice -- in the Ground
Since then - "t is Centuries-and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses" Heads Were toward Eternity
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875 I stepped from Plank to Plank A slow and cautious way The Stars about my Head I felt About my Feet the Sea.
I knew not but the next Would be my final inch This gave me that precarious Gait Some call Experience.
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887 We outgrow love like other things And put it in the Drawer Till it an Antique fashion shows Like Costumes Grandsires wore.
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919 If I can stop one Heart from breaking I shall not live in vain If I can ease one Life the Aching, Or cool one Pain, Or help one fainting Robin Unto his Nest again, I shall not live in Vain.
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1072 Title divine - is mine! The Wife - without the Sign! Acute Degree - conferred on me Empress of Calvary! Royal - all but the Crown! Betrothed - without the swoon God sends us Women When you - hold - Garnet to Garnet Gold - to Gold
Born - Bridalled - Shrouded In a Day Tri Victory " My Husband" - women say Stroking the Melody Is this - the way?
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1176 We never know how high we are Till we are called to rise And then if we are true to plan Our statures touch the skies
The Heroism we recite Would be a daily thing Did not ourselves the Cubits warp For fear to be a King
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1182 Rememberance has a Rear and Front 'T is something like a House It has a Garret also For Refuse and the Mouse,
Besides the deepest Cellar That ever Mason laid Look to it by its Fathoms Ourselves be not pursued
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1212 A word is dead When it is said, Some say. I say it just Begins to live That day.
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1263 There is no Frigate like a Book To take us Lands away Nor any Coursers like a Page Of prancing Poetry
This Traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of Toll How frugal is the Chariot That bears the Human soul.
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1304 Not with a Club, the Heart is broken Nor with a Stone A Whip so small you could not see it I've known
To lash the Magic Creature Till it fell, Yet that Whip's name Too noble then to tell.
Magnanimous as Bird By Boy descried Singing unto the Stone Of which it died
Shame need not crouch In such an Earth as Ours Shame - stand erect The Universe is yours
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1335 Let me not mar that perfect Dream By an Auroral stain But so adjust my daily Night That it will come again...
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1459 Belshazzar had a Letter -He never had but one Belshazzar's Correspondent Concluded and begun In that immortal Copy The Conscience of us all Can read without its Glasses On Revelation's Wall

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