243 bis 254 37 Routledge, 1919, s. 252, 253 38 Routledge, 1919, s. 273, 274 39 Metraux, 1940, s. 398. 399 40 Metraux, 1940, s. 398, 399 41 Metraux, 1940, s. 399 42 Lavachery, 1934, s. 67 bis 71 43 Metraux, 1940, s. 392 44 Metraux, 1940, s. 404, 405 45 Metraux, 1940, s. 403 46 Metraux, 1940, s. 405 47 Metraux, 1940, s. 403, 404 48 Englert, 1948, s. 318 49 Englert, 1948, s. 322 50 Englert, 1948, s. 222, 316, 317 51 Skjolsvold, 1961, rp. 9; Ferdon, 1961, rp. 10, 13 52 Englert, 1948, s. 323 53 Barthel, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix A 54 Ferdon, 1958, s. 146, 147 55 Wiedergabe aller Photographien bei Heyerdahl und Ferdon, 1965, fig. 96 bis 136 56 Barthel, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix A 57 Englert, pers. Mitteilung v. 15.1.1965 58 Englert, pers. Mitteilung, v. 15.1.1965 59 Thomson, 1889, s. 514 bis 516 60 Routledge, 1919, fig. 83 61 Englert, pers. Mitteilung, v. 15.1.1965 62 Englert, 1948, s. 322 63 Heyerdahl, 1957a, kap. 9 64 Heyerdahl, 1957a, kap. 9 65 Kondratov, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix D 65a Englert, pers. Mitteilung, v. 15.1.1965 66 Heyerdahl und Ferdon, 1965, fig. 172 bis 188 67 Barthel, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix A 68 Englert, 1948, s. 55 69 Englert, 1948, s. 55 70 Barthel, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix A 71 Routledge, 1919, s. 214 72 vgl. Heyerdahl und Ferdon 1965, fig. 189 bis 191 73 Barthel, 1965, rp. 16. Appendix A 74 Kondratov, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix D 75 Butinov und Knorozov, 1957; Knorozov, Fedorova und Kondratov, 1965, rp. 16, Appendices B, C, D 76 Barhtel, 1965, rp. Appendix A 77 Rarthel, pers. Mitteilung, v. 21.3.65 78 Puelma, pers. Mitteilungen, v. 26. 4 und 2. 6. 1965 79 Puelma, pers. Mitteilungen, v. 26. 4 und 2. 6. 1965 80 Puelma, pers. Mitteilung, v. 14. 5. 1965 81 Puelma, pers. Mitteilungen, v. 4. 7. 1962; 18. 11. 1963; 9. 9. 1964 82 Puelma, pers. Mitteilung, v. 9. 9. 1964 83 Thomson, 1889, s. 526 bis 532 84 Puelma, pers. Mitteilung, v. 9. 9. 1964 85 Barthel. 1960, s, 236, 237 86 Fedorova, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix С 87 Eine Probeseite von Puelmas Pakarati-Manuskript wird von Heyerdahl und Ferdon, 1965, fig. 192, wiedergegeben um zu zeigen, da? die Handschrift desselben Schreibers auf bestimmten Seiten von mehr als einem Manuskript wiederzukehren scheint 88 Metraux, 1940, s. 399 89 Englprt, pers. Mitteilung, v 15. 1. 1965 90 Kondratov, 1965, rp. 16. Appendix D 81 Kondratov, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix D 92 Ekblom, pers. Mitteilung, v. 24. 5. 1965 92a Konigswald, 1951 93 Buck, 1938a, s. 237, 238 94 Melraux, 1940, s. 403 bis 405 95 Metraux, I940, s. 399 96 Metraux, 1940, s. 404 97 Metraux, 1957, s. 206, 207, Mundl, Mitteilung 98 Emory, 1963, s. 567 98a Hornbostel, 1930 99 Buck, 1938a, s. 235, 236 100 Metraux, 1938, s. 219, 235, 238 101 Linne, 1938, s. 169 102 Nordenskiold, 1928, s. 13 bis 21 103 Oviedo, 1535 bis 1548, vol. 4, s. 36 104 Heine-Geldern, 1938, s. 883 bis 892 105 Nordenskiold, 1928, s. 17 106 Hornbostel, 1930, s. 953 107 Heine-Geldern, 1938, s. 884, 885 108 Cruxent, pers. Mitteilung, v. 13. 5. 1950 109 Heine-Geldern. 1950, s. 352 110 Pachacuti, 1620, s. 291 111 Bennett, 1949, s. 613 112 Sarmiento, 1572, s. 200 113 Bandelier, 1910, s. 313 114 Molina, 1570 bis 1584, s. 4 115 Montesinos, 1642 116 Montesinos, 1642, s. 18 117 Montesinos, 1642, s. 32 118 Montesinos, 1642, s. 58, 62 119 Ibarra Grasso, 1948, s. 9 bis 124 120 Ibarra Grasso, 1948, s. 117 121 Knorozov, 1964b, s. 4 122 Heyerdahl, 1952a, s. 638 bis 642 123 Schuster, mundl. Mitteilung 124 Heyerdahl, 1952a, pl. 82, l 125 Barthel, 1958b, s. 327 126 Heyerdahl, 1952a, s. 140 127 Heyerdahl, 1952a, pl. 82, l bis 3 128 Heyerdahl, 1952a, pl. 812, fig. s. 588 129 Jaussen, 1893, s. 9 130 Jaussen, 1893, s. 27 131 Ferdon, 1961, s. 535 132 Thomson, 1889, s. 481, 482, Abb. 7, 8 133 Ferdon, 1961, s. 254 134 Ferdon, 1961, s. 221; Heyerdahl, 1961, s. 513, 514 135 Barthel, 1958b, s. 298 bis 300 136 Bandelier, 1910, s. 304, 305 137 Ferdon, 1961, pl. 30c 138 Lavachery, 1939, pt. 2, pl. 23, 30, 32; Ferdon, 1961, s. 236, 255, 535, fig. 65b, f, pl. 29c 139 Thomson, 1889, s 537, 538 140 Barthel, 1958b, s. 40 141 Carroll, 1892, s. 103 bis 106, 233 bis 253 142 Thomson, 1889, s. 526 bis 532 143 Churchill, 1912, s. 4 144 Barthel, 1955 145 Scientific American, vol. 198, no. 6, 1958 146 Barthel, 1955, s. 66 bis 68 147 Barthel, 1958b, s. 65 148 Barthel, 1958b 149 American Anthropologist, Febr. 1964, Bd. 66, s. 148, 149 150 Fedorova, 1964, s. 7 151 Knorozov, 1964a, s. 4; Fedorova, 1964, s. 1; Kondratov, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix D 152 Buck, 1938a, s. 237 153 Metraux, 1940, s. 397 154 Heyerdahl, 1952a, s. 625 155 Kondratov, 1965, rp. 16, Appendix D 156 Buck, 1938a, s. 237 157 Croft 1874, s. 320 158 Jaussen, 1893, s. 15 159 Metraux, 1940, s. 394, 396, 397 160 Metraux, 1940, s. 397 161 Metraux, 1940 162 Heyerdahl und Ferdon, 1965, fig. 96 bis 191 163 Routledge, 1919, s. 252 164 Heyerdahl und Ferdon, 1961, s 33 bis 43 165 Thomson, 1889, s. 533 166 Routledge, 1919, s. 279 167 Metraux, 1940, s. 394
Асоsta J. de. Historia natural y moral de las Indias en que se tratan las cosas… Sevilla, 1590 (engl. Ubersetzung, London, 1604).
Aguera y Infanzon F.A. de. Journal of the Principal Occurrences During the Voyage of the Frigate «Santa Rosalia» in the Year 1770. Hakluyt Soc., ser. 2, Nr. 13, 1908.
Alazard I. Introduction to Roussel. In: Roussel, 1908, s. 1-9.
A1farо А. Меmоriа de la Secretaria de Fomento, 24 de junio de 1898. In: Reproduciones Cientificas, una expediti?n de la Isla del Coco. Institute Geogr?fico de Costa Rica. San Jose, 1963.
Amherst und Thomson B. Introduction and Notes to: The Discovery of the Solomon Islands by Alvaro de Mendana in 1568. Hakluyt Soc., ser. 2, Nr. 7, London, 1901.
Andagoya P. De. Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila… 1541-46. Hakluyt Soc., Bd 34, 1865.
Anell B. Contribution to the History of Fishimg in the Southern Seas. Studia Ethnographica Uspaliensia, 9, Uppsala, 1955.
Baker J. G. A Synopsis of the Genera and Species of Museae. Ann. Bot., VII, London, 1893.
Balboa M. C. de. Miscellanea antarctica. Mss, in der New York Public Library, von dem heute verlorenen Original zwischen 1700-25 kopiert, o. J.
– Histoire du Perou. 1586. In: Ternaux-Compans: Voyages, Relations et Memoires originaux pour servir a l'histoire de la decouverte de l'Amerique. Paris, 1840.
Balfour H. Some Ethnological Suggestions in Regard to Easter Island, or Rapanui. Folk-Lore, Bd 28, s. 356-381, London, 1917.
Bandelier A. F. The Islands of Titicaca and Koati. New York, 1910.
Barthel T.S. Die Entzifferung der Osterinselschrift. Die Umschau, H. 12, s. 360-362, Frankfurt/Main, 1955.
– The «Talking Boards» of Easter Island. Scientific American, Bd 198, Nr 6, s. 61-68, New York, 1958a.
– Grundlagen zur Entzifferung der Osterinselschrift. Hamburg, 1958b.
– Wer waren die ersten Siedler auf der Osterinsel? Ethnologica, N. F., Bd 2, Koln, 1960.
– Native Documents from Easter Island. Appendix A zu Report 16 in: Heyerdahl und Ferdon. 1965.
Bastian A. Bemerkungen zu den Holztafeln von Rapa-nui. Zs. Ges. f. Erdkunde, Bd 7, s. 81-89, Berlin, 1872a.
– Uber die auf der Osterinsel aufgefundenen Zeichentafeln. Verhandlungen d. Berliner Ges. f. Anthropologie…, Bd 4, s. 44, Berlin, 1872b.
Beeсhey F. W. Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Bering's Strait… in the Years 1825-28. 2 Bde. London, 1831.
Behrens C.F. Der wohlversuchte Sud-Lander, das ist: ausfuhrliche Reise-Beschreibung um die Welt. 1722. Ubersetzung ins Engl.: Hakluyt Society, ser. 2, Nr 13, Cambridge, 1908.
Bennett W.C. Mnemonic and Recording Devices. Handbook of South American Indians, Bd 5. Smithsonian Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn., Bull. 143. Washington, D. C., 1949.
– Ancient Arts of the Andes. New York, 1954.
Benzoni G. La Historia del Mundo Nuevo. Venedig 1565 (ins Engl. ubersetzt von W.H. Smyth: History of the New World). Hakluyt Soc., Nr 21, London, 1857.
Bergsland K. und Vogt H. On the Validity of Glottochronology. Current Anthropology, Bd 3, Nr 2, s. 115-153, Chicago, 1962.
Berry E.W. Cocos and Phymatocaryon in the Pliocence of New Zealand. Am. J. Sci., Bd 5, Nr 12, New Haven, Conn., 1926.
Bertoni M.S. Essai d'une monographie du genre ananas. Anal. Ci. Paraquaoys, II, Nr 4, Asunci?n, 1919.
Betanzos J. de. Suma y. narrati?n de los Incas. Madrid, 1880.
Bisschop E. de. Kaimiloa. D'Honolulu a Cannes par l'Australie et le Cap a bord d'une double pirogue polynesienne. Paris, 1939.
Blaxland G. Treatise on the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Polynesia with Evidence of Their Origin and Antiquity. Mss. loc. Nr В 760, Mitchell Library, Sydney.
Brown F.B. H. Flora of Southeastern Polynesia. I: Monocotyledons, 1931. III: Dicotyledons, 1935. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 130, Honolulu, 1935.
Bruyne E. de. Informe sobre el descubrimiento de un ?rea arquel?gica. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Publicati?n Ocasional, Nr 2, s. 1-16, Santiago de Chile, 1963.
Bryan E.H. Jr. Hawaiian Nature Notes. Honolulu, 1935.
Buck P. (Te Rangi Hiroa) Vikings of the Sunrise. New York, 1938a.
– Ethnology of Mangareva. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 157, Honolulu, 1938b.
– An Introduction to Polynesian Anthropology. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 187, Honolulu, 1945.
Бутинов H.А. и Кнорозов Ю.В. Новые материал» об острове Пасхи. Советская этнография Э 6, Москва, 1957, 38-42.
Вуam G. Wanderings in Some of the Western Republics of America… London, 1850. (Deutsche Ausgabe: Wanderungen durch sudamerikanische Republiken. Dresden, 1851).
Campbell J. The Origin of the Haidahs of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 2, Bd 3, Abschnitt II. 1897/98.
Candolle A. de.Origin of Cultivated Plants. London, 1884.
Carroll A. The Easter Island Inscriptions, and the Translation and Interpretation of them. J. Polynesian Soc., Bd 1, Nr 4, s. 103-106, 233-253. London, 1892.
Carter G.F. Plant Evidence for Early Contacts with America. South Western J. Anthrop., VI, Nr 2, Albuquerque, N. M., 1950.
Charnock J.A. History of Marine Architecture. Bd 1. London, 1801.
Christian F.W. Early Maori Migration as Evidenced by Physical Geography and Language. Report of the Sixteenth Meeting held in Australas. Ass. Adv. Sei. Wellington, N. Z., 1924.
Chubb L.J. Geology of Galapados, Cocos, and Easter Island. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 110, Honolulu, 1933.
Churchill W. Easter Island. The Rapanui Speech and the Peopling of Southeast Polynesia. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. Nr 174, Washington, 1912.
Clausen R.T. A Botanical Study of the Yam Beans (Pachyrrhizus). Cornell Univ. Mem. 264. Ithaca, New York, 1944.
Соbo B. Historia del Nuevo Mundo…, 1653. Ed. Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. Sevffla, 1890-95.
Сое M.D. Archaeological Linkages with North and South America at la Victoria. Guatemala. Am. Anthropologist, Bd 62, Nr 3, 1960.
Cook J. Second Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Performed in the «Resolution» and «Adventure» – 1772-75. London, 1777.
Cook O.F. Food Plants of Ancient America. Ann. Rept. Smiths. Inst., Washington, D. C., 1903.
– History of the Coconut Palm in America. Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., Bd 14. Washington, 1910-12.
Cook O.F und Cook R.С. The Maho, or Managua, as a Trans-Pacific Plant. J. Wash. Acad. Sei., VIII. 1918.
Сorneу В.G. Editorial Annotations to: Gonzales (1770). 1908.
Croft T. Letter of April 30, 1874 from Thomas Croft, Papeete, Tahiti, to the President of California Academy of Sciences. California Acad. Sei., Proc., Bd 5, s. 318-323, San Francisco, 1875.
Damp1er W. Captain William Dampier's Voyage Round the Terrestrial Globe. A Collection of Voyages. 4 Bde, London, 1729.
Degener O. Ferns and Flowerings Plants of Hawaii National Park. Honolulu, 1930.
Deniker J. The Races of Man. London, 1900.
Dixon R.B. The Problem of the Sweet Potato in Polynesia, Am. Anthropol., Bd 34, 1932.
– Contacts with America across the Southern Pacific In: The American Aborigines, Their Origin and Antiquity. A Collection of Papers, by Ten Authors, Assembled by D. Jenness. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1933.
– The Long Voyages of the Polynesians. Proceedings, Am. Philos. Soc., Bd 74, Nr 3, 1934.
Eames A.J. und St. John H. The Botanical Identity of the Hawaiian Ipu Nui or Large Gourd. Am. J. Bot., XXX, Nr 3, 1943.
Edmondson С.Н. Viability of Coconut Seeds after Floating in Sea. B.P. Bishop Mus., Осе. Papers, Bd 16, Nr 12. Honolulu, 1941.
Eisleb D. Beitrag zur Systematik der altperuanichen «Ruder» aus der Gegend von Ica. Baessler-Archiv, N. F., Bd 10, s. 105-128, Berlin, 1963.
Emory K.P. Stone Remains in the Society Islands. B.P. Bishop Museum Bull, Nr 116, Honolulu, 1933.
– Oceanian Influence on American Indian Culture: Nordenskiold's View. J. Polynes. Soc., Bd 51, 1942.
– Review of Archaeology of Easter Island (Heyerdahl und Ferdon, 1961). Am. Antiquity, Bd 28, Nr 4, s. 565-567, 1963.
Eng1ert P.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81
Асоsta J. de. Historia natural y moral de las Indias en que se tratan las cosas… Sevilla, 1590 (engl. Ubersetzung, London, 1604).
Aguera y Infanzon F.A. de. Journal of the Principal Occurrences During the Voyage of the Frigate «Santa Rosalia» in the Year 1770. Hakluyt Soc., ser. 2, Nr. 13, 1908.
Alazard I. Introduction to Roussel. In: Roussel, 1908, s. 1-9.
A1farо А. Меmоriа de la Secretaria de Fomento, 24 de junio de 1898. In: Reproduciones Cientificas, una expediti?n de la Isla del Coco. Institute Geogr?fico de Costa Rica. San Jose, 1963.
Amherst und Thomson B. Introduction and Notes to: The Discovery of the Solomon Islands by Alvaro de Mendana in 1568. Hakluyt Soc., ser. 2, Nr. 7, London, 1901.
Andagoya P. De. Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila… 1541-46. Hakluyt Soc., Bd 34, 1865.
Anell B. Contribution to the History of Fishimg in the Southern Seas. Studia Ethnographica Uspaliensia, 9, Uppsala, 1955.
Baker J. G. A Synopsis of the Genera and Species of Museae. Ann. Bot., VII, London, 1893.
Balboa M. C. de. Miscellanea antarctica. Mss, in der New York Public Library, von dem heute verlorenen Original zwischen 1700-25 kopiert, o. J.
– Histoire du Perou. 1586. In: Ternaux-Compans: Voyages, Relations et Memoires originaux pour servir a l'histoire de la decouverte de l'Amerique. Paris, 1840.
Balfour H. Some Ethnological Suggestions in Regard to Easter Island, or Rapanui. Folk-Lore, Bd 28, s. 356-381, London, 1917.
Bandelier A. F. The Islands of Titicaca and Koati. New York, 1910.
Barthel T.S. Die Entzifferung der Osterinselschrift. Die Umschau, H. 12, s. 360-362, Frankfurt/Main, 1955.
– The «Talking Boards» of Easter Island. Scientific American, Bd 198, Nr 6, s. 61-68, New York, 1958a.
– Grundlagen zur Entzifferung der Osterinselschrift. Hamburg, 1958b.
– Wer waren die ersten Siedler auf der Osterinsel? Ethnologica, N. F., Bd 2, Koln, 1960.
– Native Documents from Easter Island. Appendix A zu Report 16 in: Heyerdahl und Ferdon. 1965.
Bastian A. Bemerkungen zu den Holztafeln von Rapa-nui. Zs. Ges. f. Erdkunde, Bd 7, s. 81-89, Berlin, 1872a.
– Uber die auf der Osterinsel aufgefundenen Zeichentafeln. Verhandlungen d. Berliner Ges. f. Anthropologie…, Bd 4, s. 44, Berlin, 1872b.
Beeсhey F. W. Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Bering's Strait… in the Years 1825-28. 2 Bde. London, 1831.
Behrens C.F. Der wohlversuchte Sud-Lander, das ist: ausfuhrliche Reise-Beschreibung um die Welt. 1722. Ubersetzung ins Engl.: Hakluyt Society, ser. 2, Nr 13, Cambridge, 1908.
Bennett W.C. Mnemonic and Recording Devices. Handbook of South American Indians, Bd 5. Smithsonian Inst. Bur. Am. Ethn., Bull. 143. Washington, D. C., 1949.
– Ancient Arts of the Andes. New York, 1954.
Benzoni G. La Historia del Mundo Nuevo. Venedig 1565 (ins Engl. ubersetzt von W.H. Smyth: History of the New World). Hakluyt Soc., Nr 21, London, 1857.
Bergsland K. und Vogt H. On the Validity of Glottochronology. Current Anthropology, Bd 3, Nr 2, s. 115-153, Chicago, 1962.
Berry E.W. Cocos and Phymatocaryon in the Pliocence of New Zealand. Am. J. Sci., Bd 5, Nr 12, New Haven, Conn., 1926.
Bertoni M.S. Essai d'une monographie du genre ananas. Anal. Ci. Paraquaoys, II, Nr 4, Asunci?n, 1919.
Betanzos J. de. Suma y. narrati?n de los Incas. Madrid, 1880.
Bisschop E. de. Kaimiloa. D'Honolulu a Cannes par l'Australie et le Cap a bord d'une double pirogue polynesienne. Paris, 1939.
Blaxland G. Treatise on the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Polynesia with Evidence of Their Origin and Antiquity. Mss. loc. Nr В 760, Mitchell Library, Sydney.
Brown F.B. H. Flora of Southeastern Polynesia. I: Monocotyledons, 1931. III: Dicotyledons, 1935. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 130, Honolulu, 1935.
Bruyne E. de. Informe sobre el descubrimiento de un ?rea arquel?gica. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Publicati?n Ocasional, Nr 2, s. 1-16, Santiago de Chile, 1963.
Bryan E.H. Jr. Hawaiian Nature Notes. Honolulu, 1935.
Buck P. (Te Rangi Hiroa) Vikings of the Sunrise. New York, 1938a.
– Ethnology of Mangareva. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 157, Honolulu, 1938b.
– An Introduction to Polynesian Anthropology. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 187, Honolulu, 1945.
Бутинов H.А. и Кнорозов Ю.В. Новые материал» об острове Пасхи. Советская этнография Э 6, Москва, 1957, 38-42.
Вуam G. Wanderings in Some of the Western Republics of America… London, 1850. (Deutsche Ausgabe: Wanderungen durch sudamerikanische Republiken. Dresden, 1851).
Campbell J. The Origin of the Haidahs of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 2, Bd 3, Abschnitt II. 1897/98.
Candolle A. de.Origin of Cultivated Plants. London, 1884.
Carroll A. The Easter Island Inscriptions, and the Translation and Interpretation of them. J. Polynesian Soc., Bd 1, Nr 4, s. 103-106, 233-253. London, 1892.
Carter G.F. Plant Evidence for Early Contacts with America. South Western J. Anthrop., VI, Nr 2, Albuquerque, N. M., 1950.
Charnock J.A. History of Marine Architecture. Bd 1. London, 1801.
Christian F.W. Early Maori Migration as Evidenced by Physical Geography and Language. Report of the Sixteenth Meeting held in Australas. Ass. Adv. Sei. Wellington, N. Z., 1924.
Chubb L.J. Geology of Galapados, Cocos, and Easter Island. B.P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 110, Honolulu, 1933.
Churchill W. Easter Island. The Rapanui Speech and the Peopling of Southeast Polynesia. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. Nr 174, Washington, 1912.
Clausen R.T. A Botanical Study of the Yam Beans (Pachyrrhizus). Cornell Univ. Mem. 264. Ithaca, New York, 1944.
Соbo B. Historia del Nuevo Mundo…, 1653. Ed. Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. Sevffla, 1890-95.
Сое M.D. Archaeological Linkages with North and South America at la Victoria. Guatemala. Am. Anthropologist, Bd 62, Nr 3, 1960.
Cook J. Second Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Performed in the «Resolution» and «Adventure» – 1772-75. London, 1777.
Cook O.F. Food Plants of Ancient America. Ann. Rept. Smiths. Inst., Washington, D. C., 1903.
– History of the Coconut Palm in America. Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., Bd 14. Washington, 1910-12.
Cook O.F und Cook R.С. The Maho, or Managua, as a Trans-Pacific Plant. J. Wash. Acad. Sei., VIII. 1918.
Сorneу В.G. Editorial Annotations to: Gonzales (1770). 1908.
Croft T. Letter of April 30, 1874 from Thomas Croft, Papeete, Tahiti, to the President of California Academy of Sciences. California Acad. Sei., Proc., Bd 5, s. 318-323, San Francisco, 1875.
Damp1er W. Captain William Dampier's Voyage Round the Terrestrial Globe. A Collection of Voyages. 4 Bde, London, 1729.
Degener O. Ferns and Flowerings Plants of Hawaii National Park. Honolulu, 1930.
Deniker J. The Races of Man. London, 1900.
Dixon R.B. The Problem of the Sweet Potato in Polynesia, Am. Anthropol., Bd 34, 1932.
– Contacts with America across the Southern Pacific In: The American Aborigines, Their Origin and Antiquity. A Collection of Papers, by Ten Authors, Assembled by D. Jenness. Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1933.
– The Long Voyages of the Polynesians. Proceedings, Am. Philos. Soc., Bd 74, Nr 3, 1934.
Eames A.J. und St. John H. The Botanical Identity of the Hawaiian Ipu Nui or Large Gourd. Am. J. Bot., XXX, Nr 3, 1943.
Edmondson С.Н. Viability of Coconut Seeds after Floating in Sea. B.P. Bishop Mus., Осе. Papers, Bd 16, Nr 12. Honolulu, 1941.
Eisleb D. Beitrag zur Systematik der altperuanichen «Ruder» aus der Gegend von Ica. Baessler-Archiv, N. F., Bd 10, s. 105-128, Berlin, 1963.
Emory K.P. Stone Remains in the Society Islands. B.P. Bishop Museum Bull, Nr 116, Honolulu, 1933.
– Oceanian Influence on American Indian Culture: Nordenskiold's View. J. Polynes. Soc., Bd 51, 1942.
– Review of Archaeology of Easter Island (Heyerdahl und Ferdon, 1961). Am. Antiquity, Bd 28, Nr 4, s. 565-567, 1963.
Eng1ert P.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81